
Parents Celebrate – a dream come true!

2017-05-29 179 Views

A very special event was held on Thursday 11th May at The Lady Elizabeth Primary School on the Cumbre del Sol, when parents came together from Senior and Primary schools to celebrate and share in the exciting news about the development of the School.

The Headmaster, Richard Wijeratne, together with Nick Rugg, Director of Schools for Europe from the International Schools Partnership (ISP), hosted a celebration reception and gave an informative presentation to show in more detail the plans and architects´ impressions of the exciting new 21st century buildings that will sit alongside the current Primary School.

A question and answer session provided a great buzz of excitement in learning more about the type of facilities to be provided not only for the current pupils, but also for the local community.  The Headmaster gave an emotional account of how the School has grown not only in his time, but since it was founded by Mrs Veronica Barnes who had also been invited to attend as a special guest.  Mr Wijeratne said:

Throughout the years of growth of The Lady Elizabeth School, we have focused on the ambitions of the pupils and their learning journey.  This has made the education provided in School extremely attractive.  I am confident that this will be further enhanced by the provision of such innovative facilities for all our pupils.  These are exciting times for our wonderful School.

 Mr Rugg commented on behalf of ISP to say how pleased the Company were to see the growth of the School as well as the quality of education provided since their involvement in 2015.

The Lady Elizabeth School is a beacon of excellence in international education and I am thrilled to see the investment that is being made by the International Schools Partnership into the School´s facilities, to ensure that the environment for learning is spacious, modern and caters to the needs of all the children. This is a most exciting project and will serve the school well for years to come.

A similar reception will be held for members of the local community to come and learn more about the project and opportunities to become further engaged with the School.  This will be held on Tuesday 13th June at the Primary School from 7.00 – 8.30pm.  For further information or an invitation to attend please contact the School Office.

For further information please contact:

Pepa Ivars, Head of Admissions & Marketing, The Lady Elizabeth School: +(34)671 69 87 69 /

Angela Dudley-Warde, Head of Marketing & Communications, Europe – International Schools Partnership: +(34)667 59 46 10 /