Finance & Law
Pellicer & Heredia
If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. (Martin Luther King, Jr.)
This is exactly what drives the team at Pellicer & Heredia solicitors and tax advisors.
Pellicer & Heredia was created by two ambitious experts of law – Mr. Ignacio Pellicer Mollá and Mr. Pedro Heredia Ortiz.

The managing partners are fully qualified lawyers and barristers and benefit from having worked in England. Therefore, not only do they speak excellent English, they also understand the problems that Expats can have trying to deal with Spanish laws and taxation.
Our clients can rest assured that they are in the hands of the best professionals.
The members of the team at Pellicer & Heredia are incredibly skilled in their specific fields, speak between them 8 languages, act as the legal representatives for some of the largest companies in Spain, have international links with embassies and multinational companies throughout the world and still focus on the most important aspect of any business – YOU the customer.

When choosing Pellicer & Heredia, you will appreciate our ethics, principles and values, which will be the core of our relationship.
In short, an INDEPENDENT, INTERNATIONAL Law firm, with a team of competent solicitors, tax advisors, accountants and administrators, who are able to assist with any legal or fiscal situation that may arise in Spain.
We find LEGAL SOLUTIONS and offer exhaustive advice for each situation, striving to the utmost satisfaction of our clients.
Appointing Pellicer & Heredia as your trusted lawyer means that:
- We place the interests of our clients above our own and strive to obtain respect for the Rule of Law.
- We are committed to acting ethically and the level of service provided is one of competence and diligence.
- We are committed to acting with integrity and honesty, in accordance with widely recognized moral principles.
- We value our principles of transparency, commitment and professionalism.
- The interests of our customers, with our legal services, are at the forefront of every action taken.
- We strike the correct balance between the rule of law and reputation.
We will never act against your interest and will advise you with no conflict of interest.
For accurate advice and guidance, CONTACT US TODAY! For more information on changes in the law and subjects of interest to you, look at our blog or videos!
C/ San Fernando, 46, 1º Izq. 03001 Alicante +(34) 965 480 737