
Together we can make a difference

2018-03-06 499 Views


On 1-3 March, students and staff of The Lady Elizabeth Senior School hosted a Model United Nations Conference, (a simulation of a United Nations Conference) with student delegates from Louisiana (USA), Mexico, Dubai and ISP schools from all over Spain.

151 students who total took part were divided into 7 committees to represent a particular country and then debated different world topics – subjects that would be debated in a United Nations Conference. This was an exciting and challenging event where the students gathered for 2 days under the official rules of Model United Nations. The delegates discussed and debated issues that are pressing in our world right now – topics which influence and affect so many lives such as “Protecting LGBT rights in Russia”, “Denuclearisation of DPRK” and “Solving the economic and political crisis in Venezuela”.

The Opening Ceremony took place on Thursday at la Casa la Cultura de Calpe. It consisted of the presentation of delegates’ flags, formal Opening Speeches from Nick Rugg (Regional Director of Europe representing The International Schools Partnership), and the Key Note Speaker – Janneke Feenstra (a former student from The Netherlands, who attended the school from 2006-2012, who successfully completed a Masters´ Degree in European Law at Utrecht University, undertook a political placement at the Netherlands´ Embassy in Madrid and is now working for Caselex in Brussels.) The Secretary General of the Conference, (LES Sixth Form Student), Maria Alonso, then declared the Conference open.

This is fantastic training for the future as it is hoped many of the delegates may go on to make a difference in the world with careers involving politics or international relations.  Maria Alonso, Secretary General told us that

participating in the Model United Nations is really valuable for students. When they want to go to University, saying that you have been in a MUN event shows that you have broadened your horizons, you are aware of global issues, that you are interested in the world and making it a better place.

Richard Wijeratne, Headmaster of The Lady Elizabeth School also commented on the MUN and said:

The coming together of a number of schools who attended the MUN Conference, hosted by The Lady Elizabeth School, displayed commitment to international education and debate that is at the heart of the International Schools Partnership group. All staff and pupils involved should be commended on their outstanding commitment to making the conference such a success.

Maria Wickman, Head of Sixth Form said:

It was a fantastic opportunity to bring students and teachers together from different ISP Schools from around the world. The delegates discussed and debated serious topical global issues but at the same time had a lot of fun!

MUN conferences are conducted in English, but any school can send a delegation and in future the School hopes to be able to invite other local participants.

The theme was “Together we can make a difference”. Young people are the future and the more we can engage them in world affairs the better it is for society in the future.