
Dibugrafía[1] “Mister No”

2016-09-19 694 Views

As you’d expect, Mister No is very much at home in Noland. The country is his. Streets, avenues, and monuments, when not actually dedicated to the cult of his personality, at one moment or another clearly refer to it. No need to say that in general the mood in Noland is a no mood.

Nevertheless, not only have there have been suggestions that the occasional yes might not be a bad idea, but also that resuming talks with Yesland and Mr. Yes are required, because at the end of the day, they point out, it makes as little sense to go round saying no all the time as it does to go round saying yes, and that’s without getting into the pettiness of being surrounded by so many homogenes.

Rome, 12th September 2014

[1] Dibugrafía, “half drawing” (dibujo, in Spanish) + “half graphō” (from the Greek, “to scratch, to scrape, to graze”)

Drawing: Miguel Panadero, Text: José Félix Valdivieso. Director of Communications. IE Business School