
For the Love of Learning

2018-02-06 468 Views

It is a focus on Learning that has been the cornerstone of the successes enjoyed by thousands of pupils attending The Lady Elizabeth School over a number of years. Success in not built on hard work and ability alone, it is very much a result of developing a passion in a child; nurturing this and feeding the love for a subject or activity. Pupils come to invest their own efforts in taking full advantage of their own talents and sharing responsibility for their mastering of a skill with the experienced members of staff who are on hand to assist them at every stage.

In the School we have come to celebrate success at so many stages and to acknowledge the importance for instilling a desire to be as good as you can be in areas that excite each child. In the Primary School each day is seen as an opportunity to introduce another magical step in the learning journey of the children at every level. The children are guided through a wonderful forest of knowledge and experience that fuels their interests and allows them to build solid foundations to expand upon and use as giant springboards to leap to their potential.

Learning, how to, Learning when to, Learning how great and Learning to communicate; all of these facets and hundreds more contribute to the adventure.

Hearing the children explain what they have done and the fun they have had is an inspiration to every good teacher, and they in turn are dedicated to the Learning opportunities available to the pupils who attend The Lady Elizabeth School.

Celebrating excellent learning from the Nursery to the Sixth Form is both a pleasure and is vital to growing each individual pupil’s confidence.

One of the great messages in School is for pupils to say: “Make me better today than I was yesterday!”

On a daily basis, pupils’ excellent efforts in making a difference and showing their improvement is recognized by the awarding of Golden Stars in the Primary Department.  This is such a wonderful moment for the pupil, the member of staff and for their parents.

Diversity of strengths and weaknesses is a key area of attention in School as the teaching staff react to the needs of the pupils they teach. Their ability to differentiate and attend to the needs of each pupil is a great strength. Since the introduction of the High Achievers’ Awards by Cambridge International Examinations and Edexcel International Examinations pupils, with the support from the teaching staff, have excelled in their external examinations. A total of 52 Awards, 34 Top in Spain and 18 Top in the world in 10 different subject areas, placing The Lady Elizabeth School in the top 5% of the High Achievers Awards gained by International Schools in Spain, which is clear evidence that the quality of Learning and Teaching here is foremost in our objectives.

We are also delighted to celebrate the achievements of pupils who find academic study challenging as, with the specialised dedication of the Learning Support team in School, they have excelled and shown great success in the face of adversity.

In order to demonstrate our daily successes within the classroom, we will be holding Open Days each term, allowing prospective parents to come and witness at first hand this exciting learning experience.

Do contact us for an invitation to attend or come for a personal appointment with your family. We look forward to sharing our experiences with you.