
Instituto Pérez de la Romana’s Aesthetic Gynecology Facility

2016-12-29 690 Views

Nowadays women seek an attractive look in every sense. It’s not enough to improve their body’s and face’s appearance anymore, now they want to rejuvenate every part of their body, including the genital area.

Integral hair removal, the changes in the style of women’s sexual lives, which is nowadays much more autonomous and uninhibited; the fashion and sportive activities are some of the factors that have made genital correction and rejuvenation one of the trendy topics of these days. Many patients of different ages come to Instituto Pérez de la Romana to correct problems of their genital area; some of them are aesthetic problems, other are functional, but both cause loss of self-esteem to the people affected by them.

Cosmetic surgery and technology bring solutions to problems that are detected at early ages, such as hypertrophy of labia minora, asymmetries, excessive volume vaginal labia majora, which can adversely affect sexual relations due to the psychological insecurities that they may cause to the people affected by them.

At later ages, after a birth, disfiguring scars may be left, changes in the vaginal canal may occur, excessive dilatation and loss of elasticity of the vagina, as well as urinary incontinence problems, which cause great insecurity and discomfort to people.

Finally, during menopause, a transcendental stage in the life of a woman, the loss of estrogen leads to dryness, as well as to several alterations in the vaginal pH.

These problems that women communicate to their gynecologists and plastic surgeons do already have a solution nowadays thanks to pelvic floor and vulvo-vaginal rejuvenation treatments.

Some of these problems can be treated with physical therapy, which consist in exercising the pelvic floor and they achieve excellent results.

Other issues such as incontinence, hypermobility, and disturbances of vaginal lips, are treated with laser.

They are precise treatments which have a short duration and are performed on an outpatient basis. They do not require anesthesia and their recovery varies according to the case between one and three days.

Instituto Pérez de la Romana has a Aesthetic Gynecology Facility, which is one of the pioneers in Spain treating all these genital alterations with physical therapists, gynaecologists, cosmetic surgeons and experts in this field.

Dr.  Federico Pérez de la Romana