Oxien stands as a leading rehabilitation center
A multidisciplinary team will treat cases of fibromyalgia, stroke, diabetic foot, injuries and sports performance increase.
Oxien is the first hyperbaric medicine center in Navarre, belonging to the Sannas Group and supported by the Spanish Association of Hyperbaric Medicine.
Oxigen stands as a hyperbaric rehabilitation center due to the need to provide a comprehensive care to the patient, thanks to the addition of new professionals and services.
The Medical management is dealing with the coordination of the different specialties included in the team of the M.D. Eva Sanz, a specialist doctor in Hyperbaric medicine and the person in charge of the center.
Thus, the center will offer a global approach for patients suffering from fibromyalgia, in whose treatment we are specialized. They require a multidisciplinary approach and a very thorough and totally customized short-term monitoring.

In the center, we will also treat people with a diabetic foot. Hyperbaric medicine makes the formation of capillaries easier and it guarantees the proper provision of oxygen. In addition, the risk factors are controlled and regulated and specific cures for each patient are applied.
Other types of cases which will be treated are the ones related to patients who had a cerebrovascular accident, such as a stroke. In this situation, we recommend to start rehabilitation as soon as possible to study, treat and reach the goals scheduled by the team.
In addition, the sportspeople, both professionals and amateurs, will be able to treat their injuries as well as improve their performance thanks to the center services.
Multidisciplinary team
Pathology treatment covers manifold aetiologic factors and that’s why the diagnosis and procedures must be approached from a multidisciplinary way. This multidisciplinary approach allows more rigorous assessments, with strict protocols which include assessment and recovery scales.
Each case is assessed by the rehabilitation doctor and he/she provides a diagnosis and a treatment plan with short-term and long-term goals. The patient, depending on his/her needs, has a treatment plan combined by the different specialties and therapies of the medical team dealing with the patient rehabilitation.
Hyperbaric medicine
Hyperbaric medicine uses medicinal oxygen to treat different pathologies such as neurological diseases, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, and vascular diseases as well as it is used in sports medicine and odontology. It has manifold benefits which include, among others, edema reduction, the activation of blood vessel formation, wound healing, tissue preservation and the stimulation of new bone formation.
Physiotherapy and Osteopathy
On the other hand, physiotherapy and osteopathy are essential for the diagnosis, treatment, recovery and readaptation of several pathologies which are already treated in Oxien.
Asier Armendariz, a professional with a wide clinical experience in France in traumatology, rheumatology, sports medicine, neurology and children’s physiotherapy, is in charge of this area.
Although it will provide its services to all kinds of patients, we must highlight the treatment on babies. Its goal is solving, preventing or improving pathologies or dysfunctions such as plagiocephalies, baby colic, difficulties in deglutition, obstruction in the tear duct, bronchitis or sleeping irregularities, as well as other pathologies which may be treated by manual therapy.
The rehabilitation center Oxien also has psychology services because, as it has been proved many times, its treatment is essential in many of the patients we receive.
We have the Psychologist Inés Rubio for that. This professional, with over 25 years of experience, is specialized in speech therapy, early care and rehabilitation psychology.
The addition of these professionals to the Oxien team turns this center into an excellent alternative for rehabilitation and the treatment of several pathologies in a comprehensive manner.