
Quirónsalud restarts Priority Programmed Activities

2020-04-26 878 Views


Quirónsalud restarts Priority Programmed Activities under Exhaustive Protection Measures for Patients and Healthcare Personnel.

The healthcare centres in Alicante, Torrevieja and Valencia will provide certified gloves, face masks and disinfectant gel to its patients.

Quirónsalud Alicante, Torrevieja and Valencia, along with the healthcare centres in Orihuela and Santa Pola, will restart priority programmed activities as part of the normalisation process authorised by the Ministry of Health [Ministerio de Sanidad], in order to gradually return to their usual healthcare activities.

Our healthcare centres will start priority activities with consultations and follow-ups, as well as diagnostic examinations and surgical interventions. Due to this, starting on Monday, April 27, they will open the availability of their consultation and diagnostic examination scheduling services through both the call centre and the patient’s portal, for all medical specialisations.

After this parenthesis, which started this past March 14, when a State of Alarm was declared in Spain, Quirónsalud has dedicated almost all of its efforts to providing emergency healthcare to all patients who have required it in the fight against Covid-19, along with the rest of the nation’s healthcare system.

Due to this, Quirónsalud has been forced to focus its healthcare activities exclusively on the treatment of urgent pathologies that could not be delayed, cancelling programmed consultations, examinations and interventions.

Exhaustive Protection Measures for Patients and Healthcare Workers

Quirónsalud centres in the Valencian Community have created separate spaces and restricted areas with the safety distances required in the regulations imposed by the Ministry of Health.

Likewise, we exhaustively comply with all measures related to hygiene, disinfection and cleaning of the facilities, which are carried out periodically, alongside other daily tasks, the disinfection of common areas using cleaning techniques, along with surgical zones. Additionally, we have modified surgical protocols in order to perform pre-operatory Covid-19 tests on all patient requiring surgical interventions and pregnant women before delivery.

In addition, all patients coming into the centre will be given certified gloves, face masks and disinfectant gel at the door, in order to exercise extreme caution with clinical safety.

As for measures related to its personnel, Grupo Quirónsalud is performing selective Covid-19 tests on its healthcare professionals in order to keep both them and their patients safe.

Quirónsalud continues its Tele-Medicine Service

Quirónsalud Alicante, Torrevieja and Valencia Hospitals, due to their commitment to care for the health of their patients, will continue to provide its service through telephone and video consultations, in order to guarantee care and service for patients if they so require.

In order to do this, the centre will keep its usual contact telephone number, through with patients can request this care by telephone and video consultations. Or, if they so prefer, they can request an in-person or telephonic appointment through the patient’s portal.

Remember, the Accident & Emergency Service is available 24 hours, 365 days a year, except for the Alicante Centre, where the General and Paediatric Accident & Emergency Service opening hours are from 8 to 22 hours, Monday through Sunday.

For consultations related to coronavirus symptoms, patients can call the free telephone numbers provided by the Valencian Community Healthcare Department [Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad Valenciana]: +34 900 300 555.